In recent decades, due to the fraudulent behavior and malfeasance of unscrupulous individuals and corporations, investors have lost billions of dollars from Ponzi schemes, stock frauds, market manipulation, insider trading scandals, and from poor corporate governance, breaches of fiduciary duties, the duty of good faith, fair dealing and loyalty. The trial lawyers at Buckner + Miles regularly handle individual and class actions involving securities fraud, and have obtained significant recoveries on behalf of our clients.
Whether you need to bring an individual FINRA arbitration action to redress a broker’s mismanagement or theft of your investment funds, or you are one of many victims of a financial scheme and want to pursue a class action lawsuit against those responsible for your losses, we have the expertise and experience to help you. Buckner + Miles attorneys have certified classes of investors, and successfully defended those certification decisions on appeal, enabling those investors to recover a meaningful part of their losses. We know how to navigate the challenging legal environment facing securities plaintiffs, including the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act (PSLRA) and the Securities Litigation Uniform Standards Act (SLUSA), both passed by Congress in recent decades to make bringing securities class actions more difficult. We have brought suit against lawyers, accountants, broker-dealers, and corporations large and small, all as part of our effort to insure accountability and obtain relief for our clients.
If you or someone you know is the victim of securities fraud, contact the Florida securities fraud attorneys at Buckner + Miles today by calling (305) 964-8003 for a free evaluation of your case. Or, you can fill out the contact form on our website, and someone from the firm will contact you.